Forstering Good Governance


Agreement  Between The Partnership for Transparency Fund And The Global Network for Good Governance (GNGG) 

1. The Global Network for Good Governance (GNGG), Cameroon, has requested financial support of the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) for its proposal “Play Football, Stop Corruption”, a Corruption Reduction Program for Sporting Organizations in Cameroon.  The overall objective of this Project is to fight corruption in sporting organizations in Cameroon by raising the awareness of corruption with sporting associations/organizations and the wider CSO/NGO community, by organizing a three days workshop, to identify and develop an anti corruption tool kit that reflects the situation in Cameroon and the participating organizations, and by encouraging the development of good governance methodologies and strategic direction of the organizations. The output of the project will be: A toolkit to be used by sporting organizations and distributed through among others the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education, a launching event where toolkits, four billboards at community headquarters and football matches will attract media and the general public. As follow up a TV presentation will be made, and the project outcome will be presented on GNGG’s website. <br>

2. GNGG has submitted a detailed Project Proposal dated 13. December 2008 including a logical framework matrix and a detailed budget copies of which are included as part of this agreement as Attachments 1, 2 and 3. The Ministry of Sports and Physical education has confirmed its support to the project.<br>

3. Based on the documentation in 2. above PTF will provide a grant to GNGG in the amount of US$ 21,500 corresponding to XAF 9,940,000 for the purposes spelled out in the attached documents.  The uses of the PTF funds will be for the budget items listed in the attached Project Budget. The amount has been granted in US$. Significant exchange fluctuations, which may impact on the project, shall be reported by GNGG without delay.

4. The grant will be disbursed in three tranches, one at the inception of the project and the second when phase one and two out of five as set out the project proposal have been successfully completed and a third tranche on completion of the project. First tranche will be US$ 9,000; the second US$ 9,000; and the third tranche US$ 3,500

5. The PTF grant will be made available on the following conditions:

i.  The grant will be used only for the purposes described in the attached Project proposal and in conformity with the attached budget. PTF may require to be reimbursed for any funds not used for the approved purposes. Any changes in the use of project funds or project design shall be made only with the agreement of PTF.

ii.  Any funds remaining at the end of the project shall be returned by GNGG to PTF.

iii. GNGG shall keep a full record of all expenditures incurred under the project and will provide PTF with fully certified accounting of these expenditures on completion of the project. These expenditures will be subject to the regular auditing requirements of GNGG and GNGG will furnish the PTF with a copy of the relevant audit if so requested.

iv. GNNG will post this agreement, the Project Proposal, the final project report, and the statement of expenditures on its Website

v. GNGG will make brief quarterly reports on the implementation of the project accompanied by a statement of expenditure showing the use of PTF funds and, on project completion, a fully detailed final report summarising the implementation of the project and its outcome and assessing its impact on reducing corruption in football in Cameroon, its likely sustainability and the lessons learned, together with the certified final itemised statement of expenditure (see Section 5c above). The latter report will be sent within two months of the completion of the Project, together with a copy of any other reports prepared under the Project (in the original language of publication).

6.  Following project completion PTF may make its own independent ex post evaluation. GNGG will assist the person appointed to undertake the evaluation and give access to all relevant documents.

7. GNGG will be responsible for securing all necessary government approvals of the grant, and any necessary government filings. GNGG will be responsible for paying any tax liability arising from the grant.

8. PTF will disburse the first tranche on the signature of this grant agreement. The second tranche will be disbursed following completion of the workshop on the design of the toolkit. The third tranche will be disbursed on PTF receiving a satisfactory Project Completion Report.

9. The signed copy of the Grant Agreement should be scanned electronically and emailed to the Secretary of PTF at: The original Agreement should be mailed to Daniel Ritchie, Secretary, PTF, at 4355 Klingle St., NW, Washington, DC 20016 USA.