The network is a non-profit, non-governmental, independent research, information and training organization registered under Cameroon Law.

GNGG was conceived at the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO) www.idlo.int in the year 1999.

It is dedicated to practical and country-tailored strategies and mechanisms to combat corrupt practices and to foster popular participation and transparency in the management of public affairs and honesty in private business transaction as a prelude to sustainable development.

GNGG hosts the Cameroon Association of Third Sector Leaders called Association of Leaders of Voluntary Organizations (ALVO)- Cameroon, which  partners with ACEVO in the UK (www.acevo.org.uk).


•  Support government’s efforts to reform and strengthen public institutions;

•  Co- ordinate the activities of other organizations and people involved in the fight against corruption and the promotion of good governance

•  Help build democratic institutions and to ensure free and fair elections;

•  Enhance the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and respect for human rights;

•  Encourage and empower women in the management of public affairs.


The Network consists of individual members and institutions in 21 countries. Each country branch is autonomous, with the obligation to inform the Global Secretariat about its activities. The network has an International Advisory Board (IAB) made up of eleven people of high moral and international repute. Country branches take part in a global activity once every three years in a chosen country.

The global Secretariat is found in Limbe, South West Province, Republic of Cameroon.


•  Focus Group Discussions

•  Training Programmes

•  Advocacy and Networking

•  Research and Publications

•  Seminars and Conferences